Personal, Business & Sports Protection Insurance Specialists

Protection insurance advice to help keep you, your family, and your business Properly Protected.

It’s easier than you may think to get affordable protection insurance solutions to suit your individual needs.

Properly Protected can advise on and arrange personal and business protection insurance from the whole of the market, providing you with financial peace of mind when you need it the most.

Income Protection

If you can’t work due to injury or illness, income protection insurance can provide you with monthly financial support, even right up to retirement.

Personal Insurance

From Family Income Benefit to Critical Illness Cover, personal protection insurance products can help financially support you and your loved ones, in the event of loss of life, critical illness or serious injury.

Business Protection

Help to protect the future of your business against the financial impact of the death or inability to work of a key employee or shareholder, with business protection insurance.

Why choose us?

With Simon Farquhar, Director of Properly Protected, bringing to the firm over 30 years of experience in the protection insurance industry, Properly Protected has amassed years of experience advising clients of suitable protection cover for their needs.

We get to know you, and your specific requirements, to give you best advice on suitable protection insurance products and, should you decide to go ahead, will arrange these for you with the policy Provider.

Here at Properly Protected, we believe there should be no barriers to getting suitable protection insurance, so we won’t charge you any fees for either advising on, or arranging, insurance for you.

  • Experience
    As our specialist area of advice is protection insurance, we use our knowledge and understanding of the Insurers and the products available in the market, including those that will accept high risk or non-standard cases, to give you advice.
  • Whole of Market
    We are not tied to any specific insurer or panel of insurers, meaning we research the whole of the available UK market to identify protection plans that meet your individual needs* *excludes Private Medical Insurance
  • Best interest of our clients
    We retain the services of an external and independent compliance body to undertake random reviews of the advice and recommendations we give. We believe this is important, as we feel it helps demonstrate to our clients the depth of the firms commitment to continually acting in their best interests.
  • High Risk & Non-standard cases
    We have many, many years experience in advising clients involved in hazardous occupations, sports or hobbies on suitable protection insurance. We are particularly well established within the world of motorbike riding and racing. We can also assist in advising individuals who have ‘non-standard’ medical conditions, such as diabetes, cancer and hereditary conditions.

Protection Insurance that keeps you covered, even while you’re at play

Continue doing the sports and hobbies you love, safe in the knowledge that your protection insurance will still be there for you, should the worst happen.

  • • 24/7 protection
  • • All sports covered
  • • Amateur and professional
  • • Worldwide cover, including winter sports.

Need advice on other Financial Services?

The world of financial services can be overwhelming, and we want to make it as easy as possible for our clients to get the advice they need. Whilst we specialise in advising on Protection insurance, we recognise that our clients may need advice and guidance about products we do not advise on – so we have created a panel of 3rd Party Introducer firms that advise on, what we find to be, the most commonly requested additional financial services. Where you consent for us to do so, we’ll happily introduce you to the appropriate firm, so they can assist you directly.

Mortgage Advice

Pension, Investment & Will Advice

Personal Bike Icon

Motorsport Vehicle Insurance

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Kind regards

Properly Protected Ltd